#FacesOfPhotography – Teil 77: Ronaldo Schemidt aus Buenos Aires

Ronaldo Schemidt arbeitet als festangestellter Fotograf der Agentur AFP in Buenos Aires. Sein aktuelles Thema ist natürlich die derzeitige Situation der Pandemie. Welcher Moment ihn dabei am meisten berührt hat, hat er den #FacesOfPhotography erzählt. By the way: Ronaldo hat DAS World Press Photo des Jahres 2018 fotografiert:

Ronaldo, how are you in these strange times?
I’m ok, trying to stay calm amid these unexpected events. Above all, I keep a strict security routine to avoid getting infected, because that would mean not being able to work.

How is the crisis currently affecting Argentina?
The situation in Argentina is under control for the moment. There are few cases and a relatively small number of dead patients. But as the pandemic is still at an early stage here, we will have to wait to see how it evolves.

You are affiliated with the agency AFP – how and on which topics are you currently working?

Yes, I am a staff photographer of AFP since 2006, and as most as my colleagues, the main subject I am working on right now is the coronavirus pandemic.

What do you think: What is the role of photography in times like these?
As always, the role of photography will be to document the events, to leave a historic record of the situation we’re living, and to tell the society what is going on around.

How has the crisis affected your personal photography?
In general, I haven’t changed that much my way of work. I can’t think about photojournalism if it isn’t getting close to people.
Actually, what I find the most difficult is to picture some of the effects of the pandemic, like the censorship and control of some governments on our work as journalists.
Also, when I work in areas of high risk of infection, I get worried about the possibility of getting sick.

What was the most moving moment you have experienced photographically lately?
The most moving scene I have experienced lately is COVID patients saying good bye to their families as they are moved out their homes to the hospital. Also the people suffering from poverty that have to face the pandemic without a house, on the streets.

What is your personal photographic wish for the time for the future?
I wish to keep working on social issues, documenting what happens around me. I also wish a wider freedom of press, more security for my colleagues that work in conflict and risky areas, and that media were more engaged with the responsibility and ethics that come with our work.

Website von Ronaldo Schemidt (AFP)
Instagram-Feed von Ronaldo Schemidt

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